Innova logoINNOVA S.p.A. is the holding company of the INNOVA GROUP and operates in a market niche in highly competitive and fast moving sectors where growth and success strongly depend on technological innovations.

INNOVA S.p.A. has its main offices in Rome (Italy) at Tecnopolo Tiburtino, the technology park in Rome promoted by the local Chamber of Commerce and the Province of Rome with the support of public agencies and major corporations acting as a facilitator and services provider for hosted enterprises, constituting a real reference for high performance businesses. These operative premises comprise offices as well as laboratories and an incubator, creating an innovative and stimulating working environment.

Innova operates in sectors where growth and development depend strongly on the use of new technologies as Information Society Technologies. Project carried out by Innova in this framework are: GENESYS, CREATE, IST-Mentor, IST Mentor +, Tristan-East, etc. It's worth to mentioning that Innova co-ordinates the ICT4EE FP7-support action “GENESYS” running from 2008 to 2011.

The INNOVA GROUP is present in 7 countries. Main activities are managed in Italy (INNOVA S.p.A; LABOR s.r.l., the Applied research and Engineering Laboratory; CYBION s.r.l., intelligent search SW Company, CAMPUS s.r.l., specialist in Organisational Innovation and Strategy and GENESOFT, IT specialist in quality, environment & security management systems), in France (INVENT S.A.S, the seed capital fund), in Belgium & Luxembourg (INNOVA EUROPE S.à.r.l and TESEO S.p.r.l., specialist in Innovation consulting), in Poland (TECHIN Sp. Zo.o), in Spain (INGENIERÍA e INNOVACIÓN) and in the US (the Boston-based ICG Inc.).

The INNOVA Group integrates 3 strong competence areas:

In order to promote a focused and productive innovation pattern, Innova matches advanced studies on new technology applications in production and the launch of advanced products with the specific needs and capabilities of SMEs and RTD Communities.

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