Implementation Action Plan

The Implementation Action Plan (IAP) builds on the SRA priorities and provides recommendations in the form of research calls (i.e. EC calls, national programmes etc.) and other types of recommendations /suggestions to various stakeholders for timed & synchronised implementation actions. Partners have translated SRA results into ~21 suggested RTD topics (actions) detailed in the form of “action tables” template. The top half of the table included content gathered from the vision document and an analysis of the SRA topics, while the bottom part was allocated for generating the recommendations.

Before generating the recommendations a first validation check of the IAP was done together with the focus group based on the content of the action tables. After refinement and re-prioritisation of research topics/ideas, the action tables were presented for validation by relevant stakeholders during the roadmap validation and refinement workshop.

Analysis of the finalised and validated action tables was conducted by Loughborough (who was leading this task) and all partners to reorganise the individual related actions into a bundle of 11 themes that could be implemented as research calls by funding bodies, e.g. as EC calls, national programmes etc. This formed a basis for development of ICT calls text for the different national, EU, and global funding schemes, e.g. (but not limited to) the European Technology Platforms, the Joint Technology Initiatives, etc. The following 11 identified themes were deemed sufficient to encapsulate all the technologies and the developments in the field of ICT4EE:

  1. Integrated design
  2. Component Catalogues
  3. Data models
  4. Application tools
  5. Life cycle energy modelling and estimation
  6. Metrics and methods for assessing energy efficiency and the impact of ICT on energy efficiency
  7. Data visualisation and decision support
  8. ICTs to facilitate new business models and work practices for improved EE
  9. Cloud computing and network enabled energy services
  10. ICT's for nodal Energy management
  11. Integrated monitoring and control for improved EE

These themes were further supplemented by another 12th theme which is a coordination action which runs horizontal to cover all the 11 themes.

Once the above process was completed partners have developed the final calls using the filtered content and drawing on their expertise in their specific subject areas. Recommendations and suggestions to other stakeholders were also produced through synthesis of the recommendations given in the cells corresponding to each type of stakeholders of the 21 action tables. These included indication of areas requiring attention to policy makers and regulators, indication of needed activities by research performers, by industry, and suggested directions for education and training institutions and standardisations bodies.

The IAP is designed to easily map with various research topics/ideas to different national, EU, and global funding schemes, e.g. (but not limited to) the European Technology Platforms, the Joint Technology Initiatives, etc. It is also expected that the identified recommendations will be relevant also to other sectors. It should be noted that different sectors will perceive these recommendation with different view on the deployment scale depending on maturity levels with respect to the technologies outlined, however the aim is to produce a holistic cross-sectoral view.

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