REViSITE Goal and objectives
REViSITE will contribute to the formation of a European multidisciplinary 'ICT for energy-efficiency' research community by bringing together the ICT community and four important and complementary application sectors: Smart Grids, Smart Buildings, Smart Manufacturing and Smart Lighting.
The objectives of REViSITE are to:
- Establish communication between sectoral ICT4EE communities in the four key industrial domains
- Develop causal models on the impacts of ICT on energy efficiency and apply this methodology for identifying high-impact RTD priorities
- Develop a cross-sectoral RTD roadmap by identifying and harmonising common topics
- Promote interoperability and standards
- Raise awareness
The REViSITE project will co-ordinate co-operation and communication within the ICT4EE research community in Europe. The core of this community will be formed from the European Technologies Platforms (ETPs) that represent RTD in these sectors: ARTEMIS, ECTP, MANUFUTURE, PHOTONICS21, SMARTGRIDS.

REViSITE will identify complementarities between the four target sectors: grids, buildings, lighting and manufacturing in the area of ICT for energy efficiency (ICT4EE), harmonising common RTD priorities for ICT4EE in the four sectors, and establishing a cross-sectoral "community" with links to different industry sectors and related ETPs.
REViSITE will develop a causal model of how ICT can impact on energy consumption in 4 key sectors. Based on available statistical data and, where such data is not available, estimations by experts, the project aims to identify RTD priorities for ICT4EE.
The project will engage key stakeholders from the 4 sectors via a 'focus group' and a dedicated concise 'expert group' to compare and analyse sector specific RTD agendas such as Strategic Research Agendas (SRAs) of the relevant European Technology Platforms (ETPs), European and national RTD initiatives etc. A consolidated roadmap will be derived as a synthesis. This will catalyse synergetic RTD and innovation in multiple sectors by pointing to cross-sectoral RTD opportunities in common areas of interest that have the highest potential impact.