The REViSITE ICT4EE Roadmap defines the vision and research agenda for ICT for Energy Efficiency across Europe. It is unique as the Roadmap covers four sectors and describes the common research priorities across the sectors, as well as studying each sector individually. The four sectors under consideration are: Smart Buildings; Smart Grids; Smart Manufacturing; and Smart Lighting.
The REViSITE ICT4EE Roadmap consists of three sections:
- Vision: Our analysis of the long-term potential and benefits of ICT4EE
- Strategic Research Agenda: The short, medium and long term research priorities required to achieve the ICT4EE vision
- Implementation Action Plan: Our recommendations to EU and National funding bodies on the call for proposals and research projects needed to realise the Strategic Research Agenda
REViSITE has carried out extensive state-of-the-art reviews and developed novel impact assessment methodologies to support the Roadmap development. The results are publicly available and include:
- REViSITE Framework / SMARTT Taxonomy: our work on developing a common methodology to assess the impact of ICT developments
- ICT4EE Knowledge and Current Practices: an analysis of the current state-of-the-art of ICT4EE research and industry initiatives, with a specific focus on the synergies across four sectors of Smart Buildings, Smart Grids, Smart Manufacturing and Smart Lighting
- ICT4EE Impact Assessment Framework: an heuristic, expert-led assessment of ICT4EE impacts which identifies potential cross-sectoral opportunities for ICT4EE
REViSITE cross sectoral approach for ICT4EE
Buildings: © V. Yakobchuk ( | Manufacturing: © Thomas Berg (
Grids: © Frank Heinzelmann ( | Lighting: © Franz Pfluegl (